Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pictures Aaron took on halloween.

oh pretty.
another picture of JD covering her face.
My face is saying why are you taking a picture of me.
can you say grumpy
JD really didnt like that camea...
I look like Iam on something.
A classic Ka-Rynn look.
this is an intersting photo I have no idea what Aaron is doing.
she looks kinda funny huh.


Jenna and JD watching the coventant...
Aaron starting at Jenna probably becuase she is doing something insane as usual.
JD didnt want her picture taken but it turned out to be a really good pic.

On Halloween I had a big halloween party at my house we played apples to apples, and then we watched a movie called the covenant we had started having the most fun when Aaron got there about nine, we still dont know why but all in all it was fun and I love to have parties...

Friday, October 5, 2007

More of Silverwood

I have to say that this is a very cute picture of moira.

We went on the train ride it was fun, but we were kind of cold and miserable at the same time.

Maggie Had just come out of the bathroom, I think that she told me that is smelled in there but I cant remember lol.

Erin and Mo on the log ride having a fantastic time.

Maggie was telling her mom in this photo how she was never going to go on the Ferris Wheel again.

Maggie and Mo went on the Ferris Wheel and as you notice maggie didnt really enjoy it... First she is happy ,but by the time she got off she doesnt look so good.

Can you tell she didnt want to get off.

Camera phone

Mo was having fun taking pictures of us with her fake camera phone.

A day at silverwood.

The Girls recieved free tickets to go to silverwood, so Erin invited me to go along to keep her company. We went on the merry-go-round, then the girls went on a couple kiddie rides were maggie got a little quiesy on the ferris wheel. Then we went on the biggest roller coaster tremers where moira cried, but we went on the other roller coster that went upside down and erin told the girls it didnt but it really did, and when it was over maggie said " mom I told you it went upside down", it was very funny. And we went on other rides, but we all remember going on thunder mountain and getting soaked, which wasnt good because it was cold and windy.